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Getting involved!

Volunteer at Clean Ups

Becoming a volunteer at clean ups is super easy and simplest way to get involved. All it takes is showing up to one of our hosted clean up events and helping us collect trash from places it's not supposed to be! Trail Junk hosts provide grab gloves, pickers, and collection bags. Details on clean up events can be found in Upcoming Events or on Facebook.

Help at Events

We host fundraisers throughout the year and always appreciate extra sets of hands to help set up, clean up, and coordinate the events. Additionally, help is appreciated during events to engage with people, talk about our mission, collect donations, and to be around like minded people!


Donations are what give this mission the ability to get the supplies needed to host clean ups and continue to make an impact. Donations are appreciated through purchasing necessary items on our Amazon Wishlist or through direct contributions on our Donations page. All proceeds go toward creating a cleaner tomorrow. 

Join the admin team!

There is always more good work to do when leading an organized effort to make an impact.  We are currently looking for enthusiastic contributors who are skilled at:

  • Content creating

  • Social media marketing and management

  • Grant writing

  • Fundraising

  • Location scouting

  • ... and always open to all skillsets wanting to help us make a difference with what we're doing!

Host a Clean Up

Become a host at one of regular spots or propose a place that is important to you! 

Being a host includes:

  • Coordinating an approved date/time/location with a Trail Junk representative

  • Care, transport, distribution, and recollection of clean up supplies (provided by Trail Junk)

  • Inviting volunteers to Trail Junk Facebook event post (alternate ways of sharing are always welcome)

  • Announcing pre-clean up procedures and safety protocols at the event

  • Ensuring trash collection is safely and correctly disposed

Be an Ambassador

Becoming an ambassador for Trail Junk requires leadership and a deep love and understanding for our mission. Ambassadors are responsible for starting chapters in their area, by adopting Trail Junk's methods to duplicate in their local areas.


Ambassadors are:

  • The lead representative(s) for Trail Junk in their area

  • Responsible for hosting monthly or quarterly clean ups

  • Storing, transporting, distributing, and recollecting supplies at clean up events (provided by Trail Junk)

  • Able to make partnerships with local businesses and/or city departments to expand and gain following 

  • Willing to meet with Trail Junk leadership regularly to report back, discuss progress, ideas, feedback, and contribute to the positive expansion of cleaner trails, parks, and planet.


If you feel ready for the task, we have all the resources ready and are prepared to help you start your chapter! If you are anywhere near a city of decent size, a Trail Junk representative will travel to your area to help you launch clean ups in your area and make some initial partnerships. 


At the moment this is a volunteer position, with the intention to grow into a paid position, once the company has reached its target growth to support this effort. 

Volunteer Application

What areas would you like to help Trail Junk in the efforts to clean up the environment?

Thanks for submitting!

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